Pangolin Requirements
Pangolin runs on MacOS and Linux. The conda environment recipe may not build on Windows (I haven't tested it), but can be run using the Windows subsystem for Linux.
To run Pangolin, you will need
- Some version of conda (or mamba) (we use Miniconda3). Can be downloaded from here
- Your query fasta file
Dependencies specific to pangolin 4.0
pangolin has foregone the need for pango-designation as a dependency and instead rationalised the pangoLEARN and pango-designation dependencies into one minimal dependency, pangolin-data.
Dependencies specific to pangolin 3.0
- pangolin now also has an UShER mode for fast parsimony placement, so requires UShER
- pangolin 3.0 now outputs scorpio calls for VOCs and VUIs*
All dependencies
- pandas>=1.0.1
- wheel>=0.34
- joblib>=0.11
- PuLP>=2
- scikit-learn==0.23.1
- biopython=1.74
- minimap2
- pip=19.3.1
- python=3.7
- snakemake-minimal=5.13
- pandas==1.0.1
- usher
- git+
- git+
- git+
We recommend installing these packages using conda with the environment file.
*VOCs and VUIs: Variants of concern and Variants under investigation